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Gram Bharati Samiti (GBS) means Society for Rural Development was formed by some senior social activists, Gandhian workers, and professionals in April 1984 with an overall mission of “Establishing a society based on humanitarian, democratic values and ecologically balanced habitat” and registered on July 28, 1984, in Jaipur under “Rajasthan Societies Registration Act, 1958”. It has been registered for exemption from income tax under section 80 G of the Income Tax Act of India. GBS has got special consultative status with UN ECOSOC.

Mr. Bhawani Shanker Kusum, Ex-President, GBS has served as NGO Delegate for the Asia Pacific in the UNAIDS PCB for 2 years ending on December 2007 and as NGO Observer for the Asia Pacific in the CTF Committee of World Bank for 2 years i.e. 2009-2011. He was serving as CSO Panel member for Asia in the UNCCD. GBS has long experience of working on protection and improvement of the environment and empowering women through entrepreneurship development, awareness and education for the last 33 years.

GBS has registered a cooperative society Gram Bharati Apni Bachat Ghar Mahila Sahakari Samiti P. Ltd. under Rajasthan cooperative society registration act. This unit has 800 SHG groups saving accounts. This unit is direct or indirect connection with more than 50,000 women. 

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GBS has formed a network (AFON- Asian Friends of Nature) of 53 CSOs/NGOs working on various environmental issues with focus on forestation and restoration of degraded land in different parts of India.